Getting charged with a drug offense on campus can result in significant penalties, including misdemeanor or felony convictions that can dramatically alter your future. These consequences can make it challenging to pursue your education and secure a career.
In addition to potential criminal punishment, you may also face civil penalties. Local colleges and universities have disciplinary proceedings and will pursue them for drug-related offenses.
To get the help you need, consult with College Station campus drug offense lawyer today. Our team of seasoned student defense attorneys could help build a solid case to dismiss your charges.
“Drug offense” is a broad term that refers to breaking any law related to a prohibited substance. Potential punishments for drug offenses range from fines to lengthy prison sentences. The factors that impact potential punishment include the type and amount of the drug and a person’s criminal history.
Additionally, if you are accused of other crimes in connection with the drug offense, such as driving while intoxicated, you may face a harsher penalty. The state breaks drugs down into four penalty groups (PGs), with PG 1 having the most severe penalties and PG 4 having the least.
PG 1 drugs can include the following types of substances:
Common PG 2 drugs consist of:
PG 3 includes some of the most commonly abused drugs by college students, including the prescription drugs Ritalin and Xanax. PG 4 also contains prescription drugs, including those with small amounts of narcotics. An example is Tylenol with Codeine.
One exception to the PG sentencing guidelines is marijuana. While it is technically a PG 1 drug, the state treats it differently than other substances. It is a class B misdemeanor to possess two ounces or less of marijuana. However, possession of cannabis only includes the plant form, not edibles, synthetics, waxes, or oils. These varieties may or may not be criminal offenses.
The potential for punishment is substantial for any campus drug offense, and it is essential to consult a lawyer in College Station if you face these charges.
According to Texas A&M University, students, faculty, and staff cannot take part in any of the following actions concerning illegal drugs:
This list also extends to prescription drugs that are not prescribed to the individual or are used outside of their prescribed purpose. Other local colleges have similar campus guidelines.
Once a student has a campus drug offense, the school may handle it through the disciplinary process. Securing a College Station lawyer could help someone navigate legal proceedings for their campus drug offense charge.
When you are facing charges related to drug use, do not hesitate to seek legal counsel. A College Station campus drug offense lawyer could advocate for you on your behalf and build a solid defense.
Safeguard your future by working with a dedicated criminal defense attorney today. Our team of legal professionals has worked with clients in similar circumstances to help minimize penalties or get charges dropped altogether. Schedule your initial consultation with The Greening Law Group to discuss your case.