Teenagers can make mistakes that stay with them for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, driving while intoxicated is an all too common oversight. Drinking and driving while underage can prove deadly for many teens. They may face significant consequences that can interfere with their ability to drive, go out with friends, or hold down a job.
A Waco underage DWI lawyer could help families minimize the potential consequences of DWI charges. Call The Greening Law Group today to schedule a complimentary consultation with a seasoned DWI attorney.
The penalties for underage DWI conviction can depend heavily on the extent of the offense and whether the minor has committed previous DWI offenses.
The court may also require teens who drink and drive underage to attend mandatory alcohol awareness or education classes, which will provide them with more information about the potential consequences of drinking and driving and the dangers of alcohol abuse. A Waco underage DWI attorney could provide more information about the consequences for yourself or your teen driver.
In Texas, teen drivers accused of DWI may have the opportunity to minimize some of the consequences they face for driving while intoxicated. First and foremost, many teens can choose to attend teen court, where they can have their cases heard by their peers.
Teenagers must plead guilty or no contest to attend teen court and receive penalties like community service instead of fines. The court may also rule that the teen must attend an educational program to help them understand the potential dangers associated with driving while intoxicated.
Teens may also be eligible for deferred adjudication for a first-time DWI charge. In this case, they will undergo supervised probation for a period of time, and ultimately, a dismissal will be placed on their criminal record. This allows teens to minimize the potential long-term effects of DWI charges on their ability to hold jobs in industries that require driving or that require a clean criminal record.
A Waco lawyer could help teens and their families better understand their options when facing underage DWI charges and ensure they choose the right solution for their situation.
Under Texas law, teens who refuse blood or breath tests can face the same consequences that they would if they took the test and it came back with a high BAC. The first refusal can mean a license suspension of 180 days. Subsequent refusals will lead to a two-year license suspension.
When your teen is dealing with charges related to drunk driving, a Waco underage DWI lawyer could help you get a better idea of your options, including how you can protect your teen’s future and minimize the consequences they may face.
Contact The Greening Law Group today to discuss the charges, your teen’s rights, and how you can best proceed.