Have You Been Ordered by a Judge to Get an Interlock Device Installed in Your Vehicle?
Once you have the device installed you must send proof of the install and a $10.00 money order to DPS for a restricted license. This must be done as soon as the device is installed or you will receive the Notice of Cancelation from DPS.
** Keep in mind DPS has 21 business days once they receive your request to complete it and update your license status. **
Have You Requested an Occupational License Lately?
– Once the occupational license is granted by the judge you must have the signed order mailed to DPS with a fee to complete this process. The fee normally is either $10.00 for a suspension that is one year or less and $10.00 for each additional year your license is suspended. If this fee is not paid DPS will not complete the process for the occupational license.
Have You Had an Occupational License Rejected by Dps?
DPS will normally not reject an occupational license if it has been approved by a judge. If they do, there are several reasons that might cause this. For example, one I’ve seen just recently was due to not listing all the counties you need to travel for work and school. DPS requires all counties to be listed on the occupational license.
Do You Have Old Pending Tickets in the State of Texas?
Courts now have the option to turn in old tickets to the DPS Omni system. Courts have been turning the tickets over to DPS and DPS will put a hold on your driver’s license. This system will not allow you to renew your driver’s license until you contact the court and work out a plea or pay the fines and court costs. In some cases, an attorney can request the court to open the case and put it back on the court docket and try to work out a plea. Working out a plea is better than paying the fees since some can cause you to take a suspension on your driver’s license. Contact an attorney and see what your options are.
Look yourself up on the DPS license eligibility website for your current driver’s license status or call DPS at 979-779-2000. You must have your driver’s license number, date of birth, and last four of your social security number.